
Networks as a Service & Security

Networks as a Service (NaaS) is a comprehensive service package in which you can outsource all your company's network needs to one supplier. Our experienced professionals with decades of experience implement all services securely and sustainably, using modern technology solutions.

The service package includes planning and optimization of network implementation for an office, a factory, or a global network of offices. We take care of device deliveries, installations and configurations, as well as monitoring and maintaining the network, and handling security updates and maintenance.

When network devices, such as switches or routers, reach the end of their life, we ensure that the devices are reused or the components are recycled. We also offer consulting services for the different stages of the network service.

  • Planning and optimization of network implementation.
  • Delivery, installations and configurations.
  • Continuous monitoring, maintenance, security, and service.
  • Device reuse or component recycling.
  • Consulting.

All our implementations are carried out securely and sustainably using modern technology solutions.

Networks as a Service (NaaS) model or one-time implementation for an office, a factory, or a global network of offices.

A service package built according to customer needs – does not require ownership of your own devices. Your IT resources can be freed up from network monitoring and management tasks.



10 asiaa, jotka tulee ottaa huomioon verkkopalveluita pohdittaessa

Tyypillisimmät yritysten verkko-ongelmat johtuvat usein osaamisen tai ajan rajallisuudesta. Tavallisimmin yksi henkilö yrityksen sisällä on joskus tilannut laitteet, toinen verkkoyhteydet ja kolmas pystyttänyt verkkoympäristön. Tämän jälkeen verkot on jätetty vuosiksikin oman onnensa nojaan ilman riittävällä tasolla olevaa valvontaa ja ylläpitoa.…
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Benefits of our services

Why choose Network as a Service from us?

  • Environmental friendliness
  • Reliability
  • Security
  • Cost-effectiveness
Contact us

Do you want to hear more?

You can contact the service manager directly or send a message via the contact form.

Peeter Pruuden

Service director, network services