

Customers, customer satisfaction, and the production of high-quality services are at the heart of our quality policy. We are committed to the principles of quality management and their implementation. We are also committed to the continuous and proactive evaluation of customer needs, monitoring of market trends, and iteration based on feedback.

Our management makes decisions based on information and data to ensure effective change management. Our goal is to ensure reliable, high-quality service for our customers. Our quality management system covers all our operations: services as well as processes.

Talking about quality

SwanIT Oy's quality management system is certified according to the ISO9001 standard. The system and thus the certificate cover our entire operations and service portfolio.

We are committed to the continuous, agile, and systematic collection of customer feedback from both official and unofficial channels. We actively involve our customers in service and product development, and participate in industry events and other activities that enable market dialogue.

Our services and processes are continuously developed and improved using a model. Feedback and suggestions are analyzed, evaluated, and implemented based on the evaluation - and then feedback is collected again. This creates a loop that ensures continuous improvement and development.

Our experts develop and certify their skills and acquire new skills and knowledge about the latest technologies to ensure their own expertise and the quality of service. We are particularly proud of the training and certification opportunities that we offer and require from our experts.

The IT industry is an environmental disaster – it's time to act responsibly (in Finnish)

Our quality goals are:

  • 100% customer retention.
  • Long and growing customer relationships.
  • High SLA and service availability, as well as first-level resolution.
  • We actively develop our service portfolio and aim to launch one new product per year.